Volunteer with Us

Interested in Volunteering with Fork and Spoon?

Our opportunities to volunteer with us fill fast! Whether you’re a team that has volunteered regularly in the past or a team of one, please check out the open opportunities.


A Day In the Life of a Volunteer

Volunteering at the Fork and Spoon has stemmed from a deep belief that no one should go hungry, especially in this country.  It provides me with a refuge in a way, a place to connect with other volunteers, staff and those from different walks of life working towards a common good.
- Thaddeus O.

Fork and Spoon is a vital resource for the Bozeman community.  I love helping in the kitchen and being a part of the great meals served every night.
- Leslie T.

Every night I volunteer as a cashier at Fork and Spoon, I get the privilege of interacting with people I may not otherwise meet.  I get the opportunity to be involved in a community endeavor that supports and provides comfort and care to some of the more vulnerable members of our  town.  I get the chance to be with so many funny, caring and lovely humans:   staff, patrons and other volunteers.  I love being a part of it.
- Amy S.

A community is as strong as the sum of all of its parts.  When we all put
our best foot forward, we will all prosper.  The Fork and Spoon allows me
the opportunity to lift others up and help provide the foundations that we
all need.  Plus, there's Bananarama Bars.

- Joe B.

Serving at Fork & Spoon is something I look forward to each week with great joy. On days I come from my 8-5 job I am energized every time. I may be dragging when I leave work, but by the time I walk in I am excited to be here. Being able to serve along side other volunteers and give a smile or share some joy to the many who eat here comes abundantly back to me. I am blessed every time!
- Jen T.

I volunteer at Forks and Spoons to give back to the community of Bozeman, and in fact what’s the best of Bozeman. The added plus is you get a chance to work with great volunteers and staff in doing God’s calling!
- Brian H.


Volunteering at Fork & Spoon has an enormous impact on the community, and it's easy to do. Sign up, show up and we will walk you through the steps when you get here.

A staff member will greet you when you arrive and provide an overview and training for your specific volunteer role. Whether you are helping us dish wash, serve dinner, or dice & chop food you will always be working with Fork & Spoon staff who will help guide you during your time volunteering.


Thank you, Volunteers!